Longwood Preparatory Academy Home

Core Values and Learning Stance

Legendary Learning: 
We foster a culture of continuous growth and learning for scholars, staff, and the wider community. We provide professional development opportunities for educators to enhance their cultural competency and anti-racist teaching practices, staying abreast of current research and best practices.
Our core values are SWAG!
Scholarly Thinking: I can show Scholarly Thinking by connecting with the content, asking questions and building on my peers’ perspectives to increase my own knowledge and experiences.
Working Productively: I can Work Productively by grappling with challenging tasks, both with my peers and by myself, in order to produce my best work.
Awareness of Our Diversity Community: I can develop knowledge and Awareness of our diverse school community while taking  Accountability of my contribution to creating a safe and supportive learning environment. 
Growth Mindset: I can show a Growth Mindset by challenging myself to set high goals and using my mistakes as an opportunity to increase my academic learning and emotional growth.

Mission and Vision of LPA

Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide a culturally responsive, anti-racist college prep high school that empowers scholars to excel academically, develop critical thinking skills, and become compassionate leaders committed to social justice. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive learning community that celebrates diversity, fosters equity, and prepares scholars for success in higher education and beyond.
Vision Statement:
Our vision is to create a culturally responsive, diverse, and anti-racist school community that fosters inclusive excellence and empowers every individual to thrive. We envision a learning environment where respect, understanding, and celebration of differences are embedded in every aspect of our educational journey.
  • 25 Extracurricular Activities
  • 90% Graduation Rate
  • 100% College Acceptance Rate
  • 93% Pass Onsite College Courses


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Welcome to Our New Website!

Thank you for visiting our new website! Please check back often as updates are made, and click on article headlines to view full stories where applicable.
School buses

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Summary text is best limited to 1-3 sentences, and featured images will look best if all ratios match (current ratio 2x3 landscape). This is an example story.
Calendar with pin on it

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Principal’s Message

Welcome to our school! I am so pleased to welcome our new students as well as our returning students. We have made many recent improvements to our campus and we continue to expand our extra-curricular programs to ensure that all students may make the most of their time and explore a broad variety of interests. We believe that parent participation is key to student success; our new website is designed to provide parents with all the information they need to be active participants in their student’s education. You will find that the site works just as well on mobile devices as it does on a desktop so you can find information on the go. As always, I am happy to receive feedback and suggestions and my door is always open. Here’s to another great year!
